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게시글 검색
번호 학과 사업단 명칭 연도
1118 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Efficient photo charge transfer of Al-doped ZnO inverse opal shells in SnS2 photoanodes prepared by atomic layer deposition 2020
1117 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Defect-Induced Gas-Sensing Properties of a Flexible SnS Sensor under UV Illumination at Room Temperature 2020
1116 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Co3O4/reduced graphene oxide/BiVO4 nanorod as high performance photoanode for water oxidation 2020
1115 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Carbon nanotube-metal oxide nanocomposite gas sensing mechanism assessed via NO2 adsorption on n-WO3/p-MWCNT nanocomposites 2020
1114 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Anion exchange and successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction-assisted coating of BiVO4 with Bi2S3 to produce nanostructured photoanode for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting 2020
1113 선박해양공학과 무폭약 시험 장치 개발을 위한 수중폭발 특성에 대한 연구 2020
1112 선박해양공학과 Validation of underwater explosion response analysis for airbag inflator using a fluid-structure interaction algorithm 2020
1111 선박해양공학과 Modified Equivalent Load Method for Welding Distortion Analysis 2020
1110 선박해양공학과 Investigation of Single Pass Welding of Thick AH36 Steel Plates in a Square Groove Butt Joint Configuration During AC-GMAW 2020
1109 선박해양공학과 Experimental Investigation of Deposition Pattern on the Temperature and Distortion of Direct Energy Deposition-Based Additive Manufactured Part 2020
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