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게시글 검색
번호 학과 사업단 명칭 연도
1008 기계공학부 전체면 접촉 절삭공구를 이용한 장구형 웜나사 치형가공 연구 2020
1007 기계공학부 선형과 비선형 다중 스케일 재료 모델링을 활용한 유리섬유 강화 플라스틱의 피로해석 연구 2020
1006 기계공학부 Static Residual Tensile Strength Response of GFRP Composite Laminates Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact 2020
1005 기계공학부 Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of the KSTAR CS Magnet During Long-Pulse Plasma Discharges 2020
1004 기계공학부 Design and thermo-structural analysis of 2D exhaust nozzle with multiple composite layers 2020
1003 기계공학부 An optimization of composite sandwich structure with passive vibration absorber for vibration suppression 2020
1002 기계공학부 An approximate formulation for the progressive failure analysis of a composite lattice cylindrical panel in aerospace applications 2020
1001 기계공학부 An approximate approach on the buckling analysis of a composite lattice cylindrical panel 2020
1000 기계공학부 A theory for the free vibration of a laminated composite rectangular plate with holes in aerospace applications 2020
999 기계공학부 A structural optimization of laminated composite curved structure for an elastic shock absorber of UAV based on a novel theory 2020