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게시글 검색
번호 학과 사업단 명칭 연도
1888 기계공학부 Development of Personalized Wind Handling System Using Infrared Ray Sensor 2021
1887 기계공학부 Longitudinal wave steering using beam-type elastic metagratings 2021
1886 기계공학부 System simulation and exergetic analysis of solid oxide fuel cell power generation system with cascade configuration 2021
1885 기계공학부 Recycling silver nanoparticledebris from laser ablationof silver nanowire in liquid mediatoward minimum material waste 2021
1884 기계공학부 Determination of true stress-strain curve of type 304 and 316 stainless steels using a typical tensile test and finite element analysis 2021
1883 기계공학부 Contact printing pressure uniformization in roll-to-roll process using individual drive cross-coupled torque control 2021
1882 기계공학부 Proposal for the list of potential radionuclides of interest during NPP site characterization or final status surveys 2021
1881 기계공학부 Horizontal injection spray drying aerosol generator using an ultrasonic nozzle with clean counter flow 2021
1880 기계공학부 Numerical Study on the Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristicsof a Second Throat Exhaust Diffuser According to Variations inOperating Pressure and Geometric Shape 2021
1879 기계공학부 마르텐사이트계 스테인리스강의 템퍼 취성과 준안정상에 관한 분석 2021
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 25 / 213