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게시글 검색
번호 학과 사업단 명칭 연도
1168 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Light-Driven Piezo- and Triboelectricity in Organic-Inorganic Metal Trihalide Perovskite toward Mechanical Energy Harvesting and Self-powered Sensor Application 2020
1167 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Halide (Cl/Br)-Incorporated Organic-Inorganic Metal Trihalide Perovskite Films: Study and Investigation of Dielectric Properties and Mechanical Energy Harvesting Performance 2020
1166 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Enhanced H2S gas-sensing performance of alpha-Fe2O3 nanofibers by optimizing process conditions and loading with reduced graphene oxide 2020
1165 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 CVD-deposited hybrid lead halide perovskite films for high-responsivity, self-powered photodetectors with enhanced photo stability under ambient conditions 2020
1164 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Bromine Doping of MAPbI(3)Films Deposited via Chemical Vapor Deposition Enables Efficient and Photo-Stable Self-Powered Photodetectors 2020
1163 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Transparent Electrodes Consisting of a Surface-Treated Buffer Layer Based on Tungsten Oxide for Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells and Four-Terminal Tandem Applications 2020
1162 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Roll-to-roll gravure-printed flexible perovskite solar cells using eco-friendly antisolvent bathing with wide processing window 2020
1161 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Defect-Tolerant Sodium-Based Dopant in Charge Transport Layers for Highly Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells 2020
1160 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 A Thermally Induced Perovskite Crystal Control Strategy for Efficient and Photostable Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells 2020
1159 신소재공학과 융합형 창의 소재 교육연구단 Microstructures and Oxidation Behaviors of Silicide Coated Nb Alloys by Halide Activated Pack Cementation Process 2020
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