1068 |
메카트로닉스공학과 |
Modeling of Attractive Force by Magnetic Wheel Used for Mobile Robot |
2020 |
1067 |
메카트로닉스공학과 |
Fabrication of 3D Temperature Sensor Using Magnetostrictive Inkjet Printhead |
2020 |
1066 |
메카트로닉스공학과 |
Efficient analysis of flexible multibody dynamics using recursive lagrange multiplier elimination of deformation coordinate condensation |
2020 |
1065 |
메카트로닉스공학과 |
Crop Height Measurement System Based on 3D Image and Tilt Sensor Fusion |
2020 |
1064 |
기계공학부 |
Numerical study on the characteristics of temperature distribution in continuous welded rail by solar radiation and rail orientation |
2020 |
1063 |
기계공학부 |
Effects of bending strain and crack direction on crack-based strain sensors. |
2020 |
1062 |
기계공학부 |
Direct Visualization of Microscale Dynamics of Water Droplets on under-Oil-Hydrophilic Membranes by Using Synchrotron White-Beam X-ray Microimaging Techniques |
2020 |
1061 |
기계공학부 |
원주방향 유도초음파 기반 대구경 용수배관 결함 탐지를 위한 관외면 전자기 음향 트랜스듀서 개발 |
2020 |
1060 |
기계공학부 |
Topology optimization design for total sound absorption in porous media |
2020 |
1059 |
기계공학부 |
Analytic model and transmission reduction performance of duct-type acoustic metamaterials based on multiple side-branch resonators |
2020 |