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게시글 검색
번호 학과 사업단 명칭 연도
1048 기계공학부 Fault Detection and Isolation for a Cooling System of Fuel Cell via Model-based Analysis 2020
1047 기계공학부 Experimental analysis of performance degradation of 3-cell PEMFC stack under dynamic load cycle 2020
1046 기계공학부 Environmental Impact of Fresh Tomato Production in an Urban Rooftop Greenhouse in a Humid Continental Climate in South Korea dagger 2020
1045 기계공학부 A Thermal Design of a 1 kW-Class Shell and Tube Methanol Steam Reforming System with Internal Evaporator 2020
1044 기계공학부 A Computational Analysis of a Methanol Steam Reformer Using Phase Change Heat Transfer 2020
1043 기계공학부 "Model-based" design of thermal management system of a fuel cell "air-independent" propulsion system for underwater shipboard 2020
1042 기계공학부 에어포일의 플러터 현상을 이용한 에너지 수확 장치의 타당성 2020
1041 기계공학부 Printing pressure uniformization through adaptive feedforward control in roll-to-roll printing process 2020
1040 기계공학부 Preview control of web position in roll-to-roll printing using alignment patterns 2020
1039 기계공학부 A precise position measurement system of roll-to-roll printing using burst alignment patterns 2020