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게시글 검색
번호 학과 사업단 명칭 연도
1548 전기공학과 차량 전장부품용 차세대 모터교육팀 Experimental Verification and 2D Equivalent Analysis Techniques of BLDC Motor With Permanent Magnet Overhang and Housing-Integrated Rotor Core 2020
1547 전기공학과 차량 전장부품용 차세대 모터교육팀 Experimental and Comparative Study of Rotor Vibrations of Permanent Magnet Machines with Two Different Fractional Pole/Slot Combinations 2020
1546 전기공학과 차량 전장부품용 차세대 모터교육팀 Experimental and comparative study of mechanical and electromagnetic aspects of a high-speed permanent magnetic motor with two different magnetic materials 2020
1545 전기공학과 차량 전장부품용 차세대 모터교육팀 Electromagnetic Design and Dynamic Characteristics of Permanent Magnet Linear Oscillating Machines Considering Instantaneous Inductance According to Mover Position 2020
1544 전기공학과 차량 전장부품용 차세대 모터교육팀 Electromagnetic Characteristic Analysis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Considering Current Waveform According to Static Rotor Eccentricity 2020
1543 전기공학과 차량 전장부품용 차세대 모터교육팀 Electromagnetic Analysis of Linear Magnetic Gears Based on the Characteristics of Their Flux-Modulation Poles 2020
1542 전기공학과 차량 전장부품용 차세대 모터교육팀 Electromagnetic Analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet Rotor with Dual and Single Layer Magnet Rotor 2020
1541 전기공학과 차량 전장부품용 차세대 모터교육팀 Design and Analysis of the Coaxial Magnetic Gear Considering the Electromagnetic Performance and Mechanical Stress 2020
1540 전기공학과 차량 전장부품용 차세대 모터교육팀 Design and Analysis of High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator With Rotor Structure Considering Electromechanical Characteristics 2020
1539 전기공학과 차량 전장부품용 차세대 모터교육팀 Characteristic analysis of force ripple reduction in linear magnetic gear 2020
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